My Experience Mapping

Aishwarya Dukhande
2 min readJul 17, 2021


Sticky notes and hands showing journey mapping
Photo by UX Indonesia on Unsplash

I am in the fourth week of learning of UI/UX Design course, and this week’s assignment is on USER JOURNEY MAPPING. At first, I thought it could be hard for me to map the journey, but eventually, I understood that it is just about thinking critically about each experience while using a product.

Journey Mapping Assignment in Brief

This week made me understand that journey mapping is one of the most important essences of UI/UX design. This exercise helps designers to consider user’s perspectives while designing a product.
So, I mapped my experience of D-Mart ready (online shopping app) as a customer, from making a list to checking out for a better understanding of this exercise.

Journey Mapping of D-Mart ready

I am happy that I choose D-Mart ready app as my experience mapping assignment. It has helped me understand that every step in the journey gives different interaction points, emotions, and experiences.
My journey started with a concern of my father and ended with few groceries at home.

Journey mapping
Journey Mapping of D-Mart ready

Not only my mapping journey was exciting, but my assignment experience was exciting too.

3, D-Mart ready mock-ups

I had a great experience throughout this week, learned a lot, experimented a lot as well as enjoyed a lot. I hope you can relate to my journey too.

Thank you for reading!

